Professional Applications for Microsoft Excel
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Product Version Date
Convert 1.01 08 2014
MultiMail 3.06 02 2024
DataToolsSuite 2.33 05 2024

Optipe Data Tools Suite
1.05 (02/19/2015). Fixes change windows problem, in Merge Tables and Create Formula applications, for Excel 2013 version.
1.06 (11/29/2015). Fixes issue in app Extract Data Table, to add multiple fields at once in Extract box.
2.00 (03/01/2016). Incorporates automatic version upgrade for PRO licenses.
2.01 (05/24/2016). Fixes selection of tables located in other workbooks in applications Merge Tables and Create Formulas.
2.02 (06/16/2016). Add message to the user, that is shown every 15 days.
2.03 (10/01/2016). Add "Learn to Use" option in the Other Features menu
2.05 (11/15/2016). Corrects problem Hide/Show Worksheets in Manage Worksheets (also corrected in evaluation version 1.12)
2.06 (11/25/2016). Corrects problem when adding multiple fields with function in Extract Data. Improved Manipulate Text screen. Adds user preferences (Other Features) option to select multiple items (in selection boxes).
2.07 (01/08/2017). Improve the use of format buttons in Other Features.
2.08 (04/07/2017). Fixes issue of grouping sheets from multiple workbooks in Manage Sheets app.
2.09 (07/19/2017). In Extracts Data app, change extraction mode to preserve the original data format.
2.10 (11/23/2017). Fix Customize Formatting Buttons, which did not allow to update them.
2.11 (08/28/2018). Add IFERROR for 2007 and later versions to the data merging formulas in Merge Tables and Create Formula apps.
2.12 (04/09/2018). Improves the preservation of original data format. Remove the "Options" tab in the Extract Data application.
2.12 (09/04/2018). Improves keep original data format. Delete "Options" tab in Extract Data application.
2.13 (10/07/2018). Extract Table Data App improves data preservation.
2.14 (02/14/2019). Improves the table format in Resume Table, when it includes Subtotals.
2.15 (02/05/2020). New versions for Excel 2019 and 365.
2.20 (02/22/2020). New Applications Manage Books and Separate into Sheets.
2.22 (04/25/2020). Improved field selection in Separate into Sheets.
2.23 (06/07/2020). Add option to save sheets as PDF in Manage Sheets. Add option to Update Version in Other Functions.

Optipe MultiMail
1.02 (02/19/2015). Fixes change windows problem to select tables, for Excel 2013 version.
1.03 (02/25/2015). Fixes counting emails issue.
1.04 (05/30/2015). Correct insertion point of the fields in the Text box.
1.05 (06/13/2015). Improved sending problem in Filtered Range option.
1.06 (07/12/2015). Lets add more than one file in options for all emails; Add option "Reply-to Address"; Corrects problem by embedding jpeg/png images.
1.07 (07/26/2015). Add possibility to attach a file in Filtered Range option.
1.08 (10/21/2015). Solves sending mail trouble, which usually occurs for compatibility of configuration settings. The program indicated that the messages had been sent, without having actually sent.
1.09 (12/16/2016). Excel 2016 version is released.

2.00 (03/15/2016). Incorporates automatic version upgrade for PRO licenses.
2.01 (07/13/2016). Improved option to save MultiMail definitions.
2.02 (08/12/2016). Corrects problem in Preview messages, which only showed the 1st.

3.00 (04/10/2017). New built-in features.
3.01 (02/12/2019). Increases size of the Message Preview window.
3.02 (01/10/2020). New names for sendings. Improved Open Recipient List File action. New Options for Excel 2019 and 365.
3.03 (01/24/2020). Fixes embedding files problem when signature had image.

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